Generates Business for the Golf Professional and Golf Academies
By giving your golfers an app with information which is personal to them (e.g. Golf Lesson, Golf Clinic, Equipment trial Video you immediately have their interest, and then when allow them to communicate with you about this you will find that they want to further develop their relationship with you.
Golf Resorts and Golf Equipment Suppliers
You have done all the hard work, the golfers have booked a stay at your resort, turned up, played golf and enjoyed themselves. Some may have taken a lesson or two with your Professional while there and gained some useful advice, which has improved their game.
How do you get them to come back, time and again, especially when competing other top quality resorts in the world. Naturally the service and experience they have is key to this, but did you know that the number of times you communicate with them after they have left is just as important. ProGolfWizard is the tool to use, contact us for more information.
Or as a supplier you have provided a demo day, you have set up the links to golf pros, marketed the day, and possibly arrange a clinic, the golfers turn up enjoy the experience and leave with a warm feeling (and possibly some new clubs).
How do you get them to remember the benefits of your equipment at the time, when will they be ready to buy? Naturally the quality of your equipment is key to this, but maintaining communication with them after they have left is just as important.
The nature and content of these communications is vital. It should trigger memories of how well they hit the ball with your equipment and the benefits of buying from you.
The golf pro(s) who provide the demos and clinics are key to the experience your golfer’s have, and helping them to keep your equipment at the forefront of the golfers mind is key to increasing sales and client satisfaction.
Easy to Use Application
ProGolfWizard and MyGolfWizard have been designed to be intuitive and easy to use, if you can use a mobile phone or a PC then you are up and running.
Back Office Facilities
For the GolfPro there is nothing more frustrating than having to do all the back office administrative chores, including accounts, booking emails, diary management and more, ProGolfWizard presents all the information provided in a format which can be easily reported on or integrated with other applications.

Golf Lessons which continue after the golfer leaves the Pro
By offering more to your golfing clients, in the form of "Extended" or "Top-Up" Lessons", keeping in touch with them on a more frequent basis and helping them improve their golf after they have left the lesson you will find that golfer's will want to spend more with you both on lessons and other services that you offer.
Stores Lesson Videos, Images and Swing Analysis files in an easy to find location for both Pro and Golfer
Help your golfers find all the information you send them as it will be held within their MyGolfWizard App, linked to the lessons you have given them when appropriate. This includes lesson text reports, images, videos and swing analysis files. When a client sends you a video it is also easily attached from within their mobile device.
Increases Client Retention & Referrals
Offering your golfers an efficient service, more impact from their golf lessons and the opportunity to work on what you have told them outside of normal lesson time with further advice on their questions and videos you will find they want to spend more time with you. In turn you will find that they will also be talking about your service to their golfing friends, helping you build your business.
Runs on PC, Tablet & Smartphones, Builds Profiles of Your Golfers, GDPR becomes straight forward
ProGolfWizard offers the golfer their own personal app - MyGolfWizard - which holds all the information regarding their lessons (and more) in one easy to use place. Both ProGolfWizard and MyGolfWizard have been designed to run all types of computers and mobile devices including Windows PCs, Mobiles, Apple IOS, and Android
With all the information on your clients held within ProGolfWizard you will be able to select groups of golfers for which a specific offer might be particularly relevant, thereby ensuring that you only send your clients information which they will find of interest.