About ProGolfWizard
ProGolfWizard was conceived after founder Paul Taylor had a bunker lesson with a Pro and went out on the course to put into practice what he had learnt. All went well to start with, but by the end of the round the chances of the ball coming out of a bunker diminished rapidly. In frustration Paul booked another lesson with the pro who identified the cause of the problem within 30 seconds of the lesson starting and resolved it within two minutes. Surely thought Paul, there must be a better way of following up a lesson, and ProGolfWizard was conceived..
ProGolfWizard uses a combination of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) techniques and modern mobile technology to enable the Golf Professional to provide an enhanced level of service to their clients by providing an efficient booking service, extended on-line lessons and the ability for the client to find all information by their Pro quickly and easily on any modern computing device they might have (PC, Tablet, Phone, Wndows, Apple Android etc).

- The Professional's information is with the golfer where ever they are
- The golfer can "revise" before playing a shot
- The golfer can send an on course video to their Pro for comment
- The golfer stays in contact with their pro anywhere in the world
The top tournaments attract the top golfers and their coaches. Now you can be with your golfers before they play any match and continue to help them with their golf wherever they are. Your golfers will be talking about you where ever they play!'